Even in impossible times.

Posts tagged ‘Goals’

Inspired tears

Sorry guys! I’ve been MIA for a couple of weeks. To be honest, I’m at the end of my pregnancy and praying that every day my little man will make his appearance and I haven’t been thinking about much else. He hasn’t shown up yet, but I figured putting up a post would be good for me! Time for me to stop obsessing (at least for a little while).

Over the past few days I was feeling a bit down and looked to youtube for some inspiration.

I’m not sure if I was just being a crybaby that day, but this beautiful video moved me to tears. If you are in a place where you don’t mind getting at least a little teary-eyed, check it out.

And then there was this one.. more inspiration for your Sunday!

I hope you find some inspiration today!

Start a new train of thought

It is widely known that the words that you think and the stories that you tell yourself shape your reality. Whatever you are telling yourself the most, will become the lens in which you view the world.

Change the way you think and eventually you will believe yourself. And your life will change in the ways you want it to.

That’s where affirmations come in. Think about the things that you would like to change in yourself and in your life. Make sure they are positive statements (avoid the words “no” “don’t” and other such negative words) and write some down.

I have written down 26 for myself and I plan to read them to myself twice in the morning and again twice at night. Perhaps it will take 15 minutes out of my daily life, tops. Here are mine:

1. I love to keep myself healthy

2. Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health

3. I have a fantastic memory

4. I am intuitive

5. I am important

6. I am becoming better everyday

7. I love to exercise my body

8. I forgive myself for all past mistakes

9. I forgive every person who has undermined my self-esteem

10. I am making a difference

11. I am grateful for what I have now and look forward to the future

12. Joy overflows in my life

13. I know how to promote my emotional and physical well-being and take the necessary steps towards them

14. I am the architect of my life

15. My body is healthy, my mind is brilliant, and my soul is tranquil

16. A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love

17. My marriage is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each day

18. I possess the qualities to become extremely successful

19. Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas

20. I finish what I start

21. I am open to new experiences and relationships

22. My thoughts are filled with positivity

23. My life is abundant

24. I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends

25. Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good

26. My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved toward greatness


Remember, at first some of the things you tell yourself may seems ridiculous (I love to exercise my body?), but give it a chance. If you say these things to yourself enough times your whole perspective on life could change for the better. Let me know some of your favorite affirmations!

Change starts with the brain & thinking processes. ~deb